
Starting out...

I hear we are due to have more snow this week, but the past few days have felt like spring. Most of the snow in our backyard has melted (no minor thing when you consider we had four to five feet on the ground at one point!), it's been warm enough to go out without bundling up, and it just smells like spring. And while usually I love winter, this year I'm more than ready.

Maybe it's just that we got spoiled last year with weather good enough to do yard work in Minnesota in early March. Maybe it was the absurd amount of snow we had this year, and the fact that I'm commuting 20+ miles each way to work. Or maybe doing all the things I've been doing over the past few years has just gotten me more in touch with the seasons in general. Whatever it is, I feel like it's time for things to get moving again. I want to be planting onions and peas and heading to the farmer's market and to garage sales. I can't wait to throw open the windows and feel some moving air again.